2/25/20 - 3/2/20 Weekly Session Recap
Committees met frequently during the eighth week of the legislative session, as next Tuesday’s deadline to have House Bills out of their...

2/18/20 - 2/24/20 Weekly Session Recap
Legislators had a full schedule during the seventh week of the 2020 Legislative Session. The deadline for introducing bills was on...

2/4/20 - 2/17/20 Weekly Session Recap
On Monday, February 3rd, several legislators (including myself) paired up with youth from around our state to help show cattle at one of...

1/20/20 - 2/3/20 Weekly Session Recap
During the third week of the 2020 Legislative Session, Speaker Philip Gunn made the much anticipated announcement of committee...

1/5/20 - 1/19/20 Weekly Session Recap
On January 7, 2020, the Mississippi State Legislature began the first session of the new four-year term. Per the Constitution of the...

Special Message From Representative Dan Eubanks
Thank you so much for taking the time to open this email and read it. I know how much spam I get these days, so I feel very honored that...

Fighting for Life in Mississippi
When a nation no longer values the life of a child in its most vulnerable state, it sits on a very dangerous precipice. If an infant's...

Lt. Colonel Allen West Endorses Representative Dan Eubanks
So humbled and honored to be endorsed by former Congressman, Author, Fox News Contributor, N.R.A. Board Member, and Lt. Colonel (Retired)...