1/5/21 - 1/8/21 Weekly Sessions Recap
On January 5, 2021, the 133rd Mississippi State Legislature began the second session in its four-year term. Though it is early in the...

10/1/20 - 10/2/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
After an unprecedented legislative session, the Mississippi House of Representatives adjourned sine die on Friday, October 2, 2020 in...

6/27/20 - 7/1/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
Lawmakers at the Capitol have had an extremely busy last two weeks. After many hours of working in conference committees to finalize the...

6/22/20 - 6/26/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
This week, representatives were extremely busy working to meet deadlines and finish any remaining legislation. Wednesday was the deadline...

6/15/20 - 6/19/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
This week, representatives were extremely busy working to meet deadlines and finish any remaining legislation. Wednesday was the deadline...

6/8/20 - 6/12/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
The deadline for House committees to report Senate bills occurred on Tuesday evening. Any Senate bills that did not make it out of...

6/1/20 - 6/5/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
The end of this week marked the deadline for House appropriations and revenue bills to be introduced and passed. Most legislation came...

5/25/20 - 5/29/20 Weekly Sessions Recap
This week, the Legislature shifted focus back to regular business after working to pass the coronavirus relief bill (SB 2772) earlier...

3/9/20 - 3/17/20 Weekly Sessions Recap & COVID-19 Update
During the 10th week of session, the House met as a whole to discuss general bills that made it out of committee and onto the calendar. ...

3/2/20 - 3/8/20 Weekly Session Recap
The ninth week of the 2020 legislative session proved to be the busiest thus far. Committee meetings to discuss House bills wrapped up...