2016: February 1st-5th
*Each day's House Business is provided in the hyperlinks below. Monday, February 1st http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2016/pdf/daily_act...

2016: January 25th-29th
*Each day's House Business is provided in the hyperlinks below. Monday, January 25th http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2016/pdf/daily_acti...

2016: January 18th-22nd
*Each day's House Business is provided in the hyperlinks below. Monday, January 18th http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2016/pdf/daily_acti...

2016: January 11th-15th
*Each day's House Business is provided detailed in the hyperlinks below. Monday, January 11th http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2016/pdf/d...

2016: January 3rd-8th
*Each day's House Business is provided in the hyperlinks below. DAY 1, Sunday, January 3rd After much deliberation in the previous...

The Blog
INTRODUCTION TO MY WEEKLY BLOG Out campaigning with my son on a hot day in July, 2015. MY MOTIVATION: In reflection, 2015 has proven to...
"Mississippi State of Mine, State of Mind"
There haven't been any songs that showcase a deep love and pride for Mississippi out there...until now! Mississippi is a great place to...
Desoto County Republican Women's Candidate Introduction (Video)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwRDXkaLri4GZGJjQ0htSmt5MTA/view?usp=sharing Click on the link above to watch Dan Eubanks' introduction...

Dan's 2015 Campaign Message
Since it is absolutely impossible for me to meet everyone in Mississippi District 25, let this be our first introduction. I hope to meet...

It's Official!
Registering my Qualifying Statement of Intent at the Mississippi Republican Party Headquarters in Jackson, Mississippi.