1/8/19-1/11/19 Weekly Session Recap
On January 8, 2019, the 134th Mississippi State Legislature began the fourth and final session in its four-year term.
Four new members joined the Mississippi House of Representatives this past year as a result of special elections and are experiencing their first regular session. Otis Anthony, D-Sunflower; Jeffery Harness, D-Jefferson; Tracey Rosebud, D-Tallahatchie and Price Wallace, R-Simpson joined the roster of representatives for the 2019 Legislative Session. Representatives Rosebud and Wallace were present for the 2018 First Extraordinary Session; however, this is their first regular legislative session.
Because it is early in the session, this week has been a time for the representatives to become reorganized. There were three resolutions introduced on the House Floor this week. These resolutions honored three individuals who made great sacrifices to serve their fellow citizens whether in their hometown or across the globe.
House Resolution 1 honors Mr. O.D. Jackson of Neshoba County for his service in the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States Army during World War II and for his devotion to the people of Neshoba County. During the war, Mr. Jackson was wounded and received a Purple Heart. On Friday, January 11, Mr. Jackson and his guests visited the Capitol where the Clerk read HR1 and presented it to him. HR1 passed with unanimous consent in the chamber.
The next two resolutions, HR2 and HR3, honor Patrolman James Kevin White and Corporal Walter Zachery “Zach” Moak of the Brookhaven Police Department who were killed in the line of duty in September 2018. HR2 was introduced and will be voted on in the coming weeks. The family of Zach Moak were guests at the Capitol on Thursday and were presented with a copy of HR3. The resolution passed with unanimous consent in the chamber.
The Speaker also announced new chairmanships of two House Committees:
Judiciary B Chairman: Angela Cockerham (D-Pike)
Energy Chairman: Gary Staples (R-Jones)
On Wednesday, January 9, the Mississippi Municipal League came to the Capitol, and representatives met with their local mayors and other city officials. This visit gave local and state leaders an opportunity to discuss the Mississippi Infrastructure Modernization Act, which was passed during the 2018 First Extraordinary Session.
The annual Mississippi Economic Council Capitol Day was held on Thursday, January 10 in downtown Jackson and at the Capitol. This event provides a setting for business leaders around the state to gather and meet with legislators and hear from state leaders about the legislative agenda for the upcoming session.
Mississippi Parents For Vaccine Rights and many of Mississippi's vaccine injured families were also at the capitol on Wednesday and Thursday to advocate for a vaccine religious exemptions in our state. Unknown to most of the general public, many of the vaccines used on children today were grown on the fetal cells of aborted babies. Mississippi is one of only 3 states in the nation that doesn't offer some sort of vaccine exemption to families when it comes to enrolling their children in public or private education. 47 other states still grant their residents the freedom to choose.
For the first time in a few years, renovations are not currently ongoing at the Capitol. Visitors are always welcome to come to the Capitol to visit with their legislators and witness the legislative process.